Fresh Start with Dr. David
The ”Fresh Start with Dr. David” Podcast Fresh Start with Dr. David (Refresh, Reset, Reboot, & Rejuvenate Your Mind, Spirit, Soul and Psyche) The ”Fresh Start with Dr. David” Podcast is a podcast where I introduce and chat about a variety of topics related to mental health and wellness, psychiatry, medicine, health, wellness, diet, nutrition, life, life direction, life purpose, self improvement, self development, self awareness, insight, personal growth, personal and professional development and evolution, technology, American living and a host of other topics. During ”Fresh Start with Dr. David” Podcasts, I share my approaches to mental health and wellness, the concepts that I use across my practices, and topics of interests from my current books and any upcoming books. My reason for starting the ”Fresh Start with Dr. David” Podcast is my firm belief that the current mental health and wellness system in the United States is really not a system. And, It’s BROKEN. It’s a group of frequently unaligned and unconnected parts that usually fail to synchronize, leaving patients lost, confused and exasperated. In addition, unfortunately, our healthcare system & our mental health system are so married to the pharmaceutical industry that it’s practically impossible to separate them from one another. Our healthcare and mental health care systems are generally focused upon addressing the symptoms of problems, conditions & disorders, but they often fail to address the underlying root causes of those symptoms, which also frustrates and exasperates patients. In our mental health realm, patients are often prescribed medications that are not only tolerance building & habit forming, but directly & quickly lead to dependence & addiction, and unwanted side effects. In many cases, these patients are never informed about the potential of these medications to lead to tolerance, habit formation, dependence & addiction. Physicians are first asked to ”Do No Harm”, then tasked to ”Do Good.” However, when you marry that with industries (insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, etc.) whose primary goals are profit, then it leads to a number of conflicts of interest that the healthcare industry does not seem to want to address. In the present age, it seems to lead to the belief and policies that support it that the answer to all of life’s problems is to simply take a pill. I don’t believe that people need more pills. I believe that people need better answers and real solutions that get to the root causes of their problems & symptoms. I also believe that the medical education & training systems in America are broken, to the detriment of patients. I believe that many children, adolescents & young adults are not receiving the basics & foundations to be resilient in an ever complex & competitive world that increasingly requires more & more in order for resilience & success to be created. Finally, I believe that in many ways humanity needs to return to the basics of human life & decency, including the concepts, characteristics, traits, values, beliefs & foundational principles that define the best of who we are as a species. You can check out my practice websites here: You can check out my Self-Improvement and Diet/Nutrition/Health/Wellness/Weight Loss Books here: ”The Nutrient Diet” ”Tomato Bisque for the Brain” ”Sweet Potato Pie for the Spirit, Soul & Psyche” You can check out my online professional profiles here: Join me for a Fresh Start in Life, in Mind, in Spirit, in Soul, in Heart, and in Being!
Friday Feb 17, 2023
Fresh Start with Dr. David - Season 1 - Episode 4 - Mental Health in America
Friday Feb 17, 2023
Friday Feb 17, 2023
Check out the "Fresh Start with Dr. David" Podcast now on Apple Podcasts and iTunes!
Episode 4 - Mental Health Variables & Considerations - Fresh Start with Dr. David
This episode is all about the variables & considerations associated w/ what approach you take to mental health & wellness as well as self-improvement, self-development & self-empowerment.
This Episode explores the variables associated w/ someone's experiences associated w/ seeking help & assistance w/ a mental health & wellness issue or a life issue, symptom or complaint:
Symptom Presentation
Try Self-Help &/or Easy Fix Methods
Self-Help & Fix Methods are Successful
Self-Help & Fix Methods are UnSuccessful
Acceptance of Bothersome Symptoms
Explore/Inquire about Professional Help
Find Professional Help
Acceptance of Professional Help
Counseling, Psychotherapy/Therapy
Medication Management (i.e., Pills)
Professional Help is Effective
Symptom Stabilization
Mild Functional Improvement
Major Functional Improvement
Future Need to Re-seek Help/Assistance
Able to Move Forward w/ New Mental Muscles
Dependent on Pills or Therapy Going Forward
Independent of Pills or Therapy Going Forward
Likely To Lead to Higher Income
Likely To Lead to Better Job Opportunities
Likely To Lead to Earlier Retirement
Likely To Lead to Much Stronger Relationships
Likely To Lead to Abundance, Wealth & Empowerment
My practices and books have been featured in Psychology Today, The Atlantan Magazine, Jezebel Magazine, Modern Luxury Medicine + Doctors Magazine, Blue Ink Book Reviews, Clarion Book Reviews, Yahoo Finance, Google Business, Benziga, PR Web, Fitness Trainer Magazine, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Audible, Apple iBooks, Apple iTunes, Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Chapters Books, Blackwells Books, Pandora, iHeart Radio, iMusic, AudioGo,, Kareo, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Alignable, Birdeye, Yelp, Waze, Google Maps, Apple Maps, Map Quest, Bing, Yellow Pages, Super Pages, ShowMeLocal, Find Health Clinics, Chamber of Commerce, BloomChase, Calex, Dexknows, City Squares, eBusiness Pages, EZ local, SpeedyLocal, Zoom Local Search, & iGlobal
*Not engaged in the practice of medicine or psychiatry
Let's START Coaching your Life into GREATNESS!
Moving Beyond Your Current Comfort Zones is the First Step to Your GROWTH & Your GREATNESS!
My Books:
"The Nutrient Diet"
"Tomato Bisque for the Brain"
"Sweet Potato Pie for the Spirit, Soul & Psyche"
Practice Websites:
MLCOGA [MLC Of Greater Atlanta]
ACHA [Atlanta Coaching & Hypnotherapy Associates]
ASBI [Atlanta Small Business Incubator]
AHWC [Atlanta Health & Wellness Coaching] Practice Profile:
#growthmindset #growth #healing #health #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #healthcare #HealthyLiving #healthyeating #happy #happiness #evolve #resilience #resilient #greatness #selfimprovement #selfdevelopment #abundance #abundantlife #abundancemindset #prosperity #Prosper #growing #empowerment #empower #empowered #success #successmindset #successtips #holistichealth #holistic #holistichealing #holisticwellness #holisticliving #holisticlifestyle #integrativemedicine #integrativehealth #integrativenutritioncoach #integrativewellness #integrativenutritionhealthcoach #integrativenutritioncoach #functionalmedicine #functionalnutrition #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthsupport #mentalwellness #lifestyle #lifecoach #lifecoaching #lifechanging #l
Episode Website
Friday Feb 17, 2023
Fresh Start with Dr. David - Season 1 - Episode 3 - Depression
Friday Feb 17, 2023
Friday Feb 17, 2023
Check out the "Fresh Start with Dr. David" Podcast!
Episode 3 - Depression - Fresh Start with Dr. David
This episode is all about Depression.
It discusses approaches to depression as well as huge flaws within our current healthcare and mental health system, including a number of disorders, diseases and conditions that bring about depressive symptoms and some that present as depression but may not be.
It also brings up solutions.
Here are some links to some statistics about depression:
Here are some basic statistics about Depression:
Depression is a common illness worldwide, with an estimated 3.8% of the population affected, including 5.0% among adults and 5.7% among adults older than 60 years (1). Approximately 280 million people in the world have depression (1). Depression is different from usual mood fluctuations and short-lived emotional responses to challenges in everyday life. Especially when recurrent and with moderate or severe intensity, depression may become a serious health condition. It can cause the affected person to suffer greatly and function poorly at work, at school and in the family. (WHO, 2021)
My practices and books have been featured in Psychology Today, The Atlantan Magazine, JezebelMagazine, Modern Luxury Medicine + Doctors Magazine, Blue Ink Book Reviews,Clarion Book Reviews, Yahoo Finance, Google Business, Benziga, PR Web, FitnessTrainer Magazine, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Audible, Apple iBooks, AppleiTunes, Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Chapters Books, Blackwells Books, Pandora, iHeart Radio, iMusic,AudioGo,, Kareo, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest,Alignable, Birdeye, Yelp, Waze, Google Maps, Apple Maps, MapQuest, Bing, YellowPages, SuperPages, ShowMeLocal, FindHealthClinics, Chamber of Commerce,BloomChase, Calex, Dexknows, City Squares, eBusiness Pages, EZ local, SpeedyLocal, Zoom Local Search, & iGlobal
*Not engaged in the practice of medicine or psychiatry
Let's START Coaching your Life into GREATNESS!
Moving Beyond Your Current Comfort Zones is the First Step to Your GROWTH & Your GREATNESS!
My Books:
"The Nutrient Diet"
"Tomato Bisque for the Brain"
"Sweet Potato Pie for the Spirit, Soul & Psyche"
Practice Websites:
MLCOGA [MLC Of Greater Atlanta]
ACHA [Atlanta Coaching & Hypnotherapy Associates]
ASBI [Atlanta Small Business Incubator]
AHWC [Atlanta Health & Wellness Coaching]
AAA [Atlanta Academic Achievement]
#growthmindset #growth #healing #health #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #healthcare #HealthyLiving #healthyeating #happy #happiness #evolve #resilience #resilient #greatness #selfimprovement #selfdevelopment #abundance #abundantlife #abundancemindset #prosperity #Prosper #growing #empowerment #empower #empowered #success #successmindset #successtips #holistichealth #holistic #holistichealing #holisticwellness #holisticliving #holisticlifestyle #integrativemedicine #integrativehealth #integrativenutritioncoach #integrativewellness #integrativenutritionhealthcoach #integrativenutritioncoach #functionalmedicine #functionalnutrition #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthsupport #mentalwellness #lifestyle #lifecoach #lifecoaching #lifechanging #lifechange
Friday Feb 17, 2023
Friday Feb 17, 2023
The "Fresh Start with Dr. David" Podcast.
Also look for The "Fresh Start with Dr. David Podcast Facebook Group" on Facebook.
Episode 2 - ROI (Return On Investment)
This Episode of The "Fresh Start with Dr. David" Podcast is about one of the most important concepts in Human Life: Return on Investment.
Believe it or not, our Society, our Governments, our Politics, our Social Norms & Conventions, our Religions, our Sciences, our Education, our Financial Systems, our Parenting Strategies, our Vocational Lives, and our DNA are based on the central concept of Return on Investment (i.e., ROI).
The Tools, Techniques, Strategies & Approaches that I embrace within my practices are also at least partially based upon this principle.
Return on Investment (i.e., ROI) simply means "What am I getting out of this?"
Even greater, it means "What am I getting out of this in comparison to what I'm putting in?"
And, therein lies the central concept and principle of ROI, something that's generally taught in business school or in an MBA program but has gained a lot of traction, attention & momentum in all areas:
"Am I getting anything back (i.e., a Return) compared to what I'm putting in (i.e., the Investment)?"
Of course, it begs the question embodied by the principle, "Why am I investing so much time, talent, energy, money or other resources into a project, event, relationship or endeavors that's not delivering anything in return?"
From that we then get the question "Why am I wasting my time on things that fail to deliver any benefits to me?"
That also brings up the closely related issues that are central to accounting and finance that appear on every balance sheet: Assets vs. Liabilities.
Looking at our time, talent, money, energy & resources from the standpoint of ROI bring about the quick question:
"Am I getting what I want from A, B, &/or C, and how much is it costing me to get what I'm getting?"
Finally it begs the question:
"Can I afford to waste my time, talent, money, energy &/or resources?
Usually the answer is no, depending upon the subject matter.
That brings up the principle of the Law of Diminishing Returns, which means that you're going broke by investing in something that no longer pays out; such as a personal or business relationship, a commodity like a stock or a bond, or an activity like playing a slot machine at the casino.
Generally speaking, when you continue to invest in something that delivers a lower quantity &/or degree of returns, that's called an ADDICTION.
In this episode, I'll be talking about how the concept of ROI should be shaping how we think, feel, act/behave and live.
Specifically, ROI affects and influences (or is influenced by) all of the following concepts:
1. Values
2. Worth (Assets vs. Liabilities)
3. Boundaries (Personal & Professional)
4. Relationships (Personal & Professional)
5. Priorities
6. Decision-Making
7. Commitments
8. Engagements
9. Activities & Associations
10. Time Tables, Timelines & Deadlines
11. Journey
12. Purpose & Passion
13. Destiny & Fate
14. Lifestyle Choices
15. Habits & Rituals.
The best way to approach ROI when it comes to your time, talent, money, energy &/or resources with people, circumstances, organizations &/or activities is to look at it like a Slot Machine and simply ask the question, "How many more dollars am I going to put in this machine before I move on to another machine or simply leave this casino?"
If you do this, then you'll discover that there are some machines that you're not ready to leave, even if they having given you a payout of any kind in ages... That will force you either accept the status quo or to create a different option or choice, which may be outside of your comfort zones.
Generally speaking, most people don't look at their ROI with people, circumstances, organizations &/or activities because either consciously or subconsciously they know that doing so will challenge their Comfort Zones.
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
"Fresh Start with Dr. David" Podcast - Season 1 - Episode 1 (Introduction)
Fresh Start with Dr. David (Refresh, Reset, Reboot, & Rejuvenate Your Mind, Spirit, Soul and Psyche)
In this podcast, I chat about a variety of topics related to mental health and wellness, psychiatry, medicine, health, wellness, diet, nutrition, life, life direction, life purpose, self improvement, self development, self awareness, insight, personal growth, personal and professional development and evolution, technology, American living and a host of other topics.
My reason for starting the "Fresh Start with Dr. David" Podcast is my firm belief that the current mental health and wellness system in the United States is really not a system. And, It's BROKEN. It's a group of frequently unaligned and unconnected parts that usually fail to synchronize, leaving patients lost, confused and exasperated. In addition, unfortunately, our healthcare system & our mental health system are so married to the pharmaceutical industry that it's practically impossible to separate them from one another. Our healthcare and mental health care systems are generally focused upon addressing the symptoms of problems, conditions & disorders, but they often fail to address the underlying root causes of those symptoms, which also frustrates and exasperates patients.
Patients are often prescribed medications that are not only tolerance building & habit forming, but directly & quickly lead to dependence & addiction, and unwanted side effects. In many cases, these patients are never informed about the potential of these medications to lead to tolerance, habit formation, dependence & addiction. Physicians are first asked to "Do No Harm", then tasked to "Do Good." However, when you marry that with industries (insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, etc.) whose primary goals are profit, then it leads to a number of conflicts of interest that the healthcare industry does not seem to want to address. This seems to lead to the belief and policies that support it that the answer to all of life's problems is to simply take a pill. I don't believe that people need more pills. I believe that people need better answers and real solutions that get to the root causes of their problems & symptoms.
I also believe that the medical education & training systems in America are broken, to the detriment of patients. I believe that many children, adolescents & young adults are not receiving the basics & foundations to be resilient in an ever complex & competitive world that increasingly requires more & more in order for resilience & success to be created.
I believe that in many ways humanity needs to return to the basics of human life & decency, including the concepts, characteristics, traits, values, beliefs & foundational principles that define the best of who we are as a species.
My practice websites:
My Books:
"The Nutrient Diet"
"Tomato Bisque for the Brain"
"Sweet Potato Pie for the Spirit, Soul & Psyche"
Fresh Start with Dr. David (Refresh, Reset, Reboot, & Rejuvenate Your Mind, Spirit, Soul and Psyche) Podcast: Listen, Subscribe and Rate it!
You can find it on Spotify, iHeartRadio, Pandora, Apple Podcasts/iTunes, YouTube, Audible, & Amazon Music/Alexa here:
Donate to this Podcast:
In order to help to stop generational mental health issues in America, I'm also starting a non-profit organization to help adolescents, teens and young adults deal with life circumstances in healthier and more constructive ways by providing them with life coaching and cognitive behavioral tools to help them cope and develop the mental muscles required to thrive and be resilient in an increasingly challenging world. Feel free to email me at for details about this project.
Fresh Start with Dr. David
Are you struggling to reach your New Year's Resolutions (Weight Loss, Working Out, Walking, Running, Healthier Food Choices, Smaller Portions, No Sodas, Saving Money, Spending Less, Shopping Less, Investing More, Not Procrastinating, Making To Do Lists, Staying Organized, etc.)???
Would you like some healthy, holistic solutions?
The Fresh Start with Dr. David Podcast is a podcast where I introduce and chat about a variety of topics related to mental health and wellness, psychiatry, medicine, health, wellness, diet, nutrition, life, life direction, life purpose, self improvement, self development, self awareness, insight, personal growth, personal and professional development and evolution, technology, American living and a host of other topics.
During "Fresh Start with Dr. David" Podcasts, I talk about my approaches to mental health and wellness, the concepts that I use across my practices, and topics of interests from my current books and any upcoming books.
My reason for starting the ”Fresh Start with Dr. David” Podcast is my firm belief that the current mental health and wellness system in the United States is really not a system. And, It’s BROKEN. It’s a group of frequently unaligned and unconnected parts that usually fail to synchronize, leaving patients lost, confused and exasperated. In addition, unfortunately, our healthcare system & our mental health system are so married to the pharmaceutical industry that it’s practically impossible to separate them from one another.
Our healthcare and mental health care systems are generally focused upon addressing the symptoms of problems, conditions & disorders, but they often fail to address the underlying root causes of those symptoms, which also frustrates and exasperates patients. In our mental health realm, patients are often prescribed medications that are not only tolerance building & habit forming, but directly & quickly lead to dependence & addiction, and unwanted side effects. In many cases, these patients are never informed about the potential of these medications to lead to tolerance, habit formation, dependence & addiction.
Physicians are first asked to ”Do No Harm”, then tasked to ”Do Good.” However, when you marry that with industries (insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, etc.) whose primary goals are profit, then it leads to a number of conflicts of interest that the healthcare industry does not seem to want to address.
In the present age, it seems to lead to the belief and policies that support it that the answer to all of life’s problems is to simply take a pill. I don’t believe that people need more pills. I believe that people need better answers and real solutions that get to the root causes of their problems & symptoms.
Our nation needs a Fresh Start, a New Balance, and a Reset when it comes to health, wellness, and mental health. We’re past the point of more bandaids.
If you're ready for a Fresh Start in Life, beginning with some Solid Solutions, then Check Out, Subscribe & Rate the "Fresh Start with Dr. David Podcast!"
Everyone needs a Fresh Start, a Reboot, a Refresh and a Reset on a Regular Basis!
You can check out my practices here:
My Self-Improvement, Self-Empowerment and Diet/Nutrition/Weight Loss & Lifestyle Books:
"The Nutrient Diet"
"Tomato Bisque for the Brain"
"Sweet Potato Pie for the Spirit, Soul & Psyche"
*As featured in Psychology Today, Doximity, The Atlantan Magazine, Jezebel Magazine, Modern Luxury Medicine + Doctors Magazine, Blue Ink Book Reviews, Clarion Book Reviews, Yahoo Finance, Google Business, Benziga, PR Web, Fitness Trainer Magazine, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Audible, Apple iBooks, Apple iTunes, Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Chapters Books, Blackwells Books, Pandora, iHeartRadio, iMusic, AudioGo, Spotify,, Kareo, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Alignable, Birdeye, Yelp, Waze, Google Maps, Apple Maps, MapQuest, Bing, Yellow Pages, SuperPages, ShowMeLocal, FindHealthClinics, Chamber of Commerce, BloomChase, Calex, Dexknows, City Squares, eBusiness Pages, EZ local, Speedy Local, Zoom Local Search, & iGlobal